martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Natural DMT Trip 27.09.2016

(para leer en español click AQUI)

This time I listened to a binaural bits audio on the bed, I started seeing lots of images and I turned off the audio to concentrate better. It became suddenly very colorful, very beautiful, I can't describe this forms and shapes, it was almost like if I was seeing a kind of unknown(to me) scriptures in white color but on the top of that, a kind of "decoration" with some colorful characters. 

At this point when I see things I never have a sense of time, so I can't say how long it was but after a while, this disappeared and another "thing" came to me. It was a kind of entity, it was interacting with me but the weird thing is that it was shaped like a cross,  but every side was equally long, and it was constantly emitting energy from every side.

It was not a sharp thing, it was always changing and moving. It was there like trying to tell me something without speaking, I understood like "hey wanna see something cool? follow me!" I answered "of course!", and it started emitting like visible circular sound waves from its 4 sides.  The more I concentrated and relaxed, the more intense it got until it kind of transported me to other realms.

I remember I was in manny different places with this entity, but I only remember a few details, like always. The first place we were, was in the space, close to our sun. He showed me a trajectory around the sun and away from the sun that started exactly where it was at this point. I understood that it had to travel like this around our sun, but I didn't understand if it was trying to say that it is a planet or something else. I remember I asked questions and it answered, I even remember that it put written words in front of me to make clear I get what it was telling me and I just can't remember what it said! I get so frustrated after every DMT trip because you get a lot of wisdom and you can't take it all back to this reality :(

ACTUALIZATION: on 25.11.2016 about 5am I saw the Cross again. I couldn't sleep, so I was listening to a Binaural Beats Audio. As it finished I was falling asleep but then for some reason I told myself, focus on Seeing (Like I explained on my Post: My Meditation Technique), and there it was, I saw the Cross and I thought "oh, you are there!" and I felt it told me "I'm always here, Let's go". And it brought me to show me something. I can't remember anything else.

17 comentarios:

  1. yo pase por algo parecido pero estas entidades me mostraron como una pantalla de roca con unos simbolos muy raros el universo.

    1. Ah si? estabas meditando o durmiendo o aglo así? Normalmente siempre aparecen imágenes que sabes que significan algo, aunque no sepas qué. Aveces son fórmulas matemáticas, aveces símbolos como de un idioma que no entiendo, aveces figuras como las que grababan los mayas en piedra. Algunas veces entiendo el significado pero cuando despierto ya no lo puedo recordar, es frustrante.

    2. Es impresionante vivir algo así. No todos tienen esa facilidad, aunque seguramente en unos se nos da mas naturalmente y en otros se tiene que trabajar para lograrlo. Que bueno que tienes este Blog, no lo dejes pues tal y como dices, es un registro de todo lo que has vivido. Un abrazo

  2. yo pase por algo parecido pero estas entidades me mostraron como una pantalla de roca con unos simbolos muy raros el universo.

    1. Impresionante, eres la tercera persona que me dice lo mismo. Lo de la pantalla de roca con símbolos. Yo también he visto algo parecido!

  3. Que buena experencia... espero sigas escribiendo :)

  4. Esto es muy interesante, no dejes este blog!
    Dani :)

  5. Esto es muy interesante, no dejes este blog!
    Dani :)

  6. Algún día sabrás que ése mismo ser, el que te llevó a otro lugar, aquel te mostró ésas visiones, eras tu misma. Bendiciones.

    1. Es tu mismo yo... O tu otro yo que se ha quedado allá arriba para dirigirte aquí abajo

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. impresionante, uno lee historias de este tipo y siempre queda la duda pero la forma en que usted relata inspira a buscar tambien esas experiencias,gracias y espero encontrar un camino para comprender mas lo que llamariamos realidad. felicitaciones y exitos.
