lunes, 11 de julio de 2016

UFOs at the Sun

Yesterday I was on my balcony at almost midnight and wanted to take some photos to see if some Orbs were there. I took 3 Photos and in this moment i became a sudden and very loud buzzing in my ears, which normally means that something/someone wants to tell me something. I concentrated and became an "idea" or message in my mind: "go to check up the SOHO pictures". I was like "ok.......... I wanted to go to sleep but ok". I was never before on the website of the SOHO (the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory,). I not even knew that anybody can see all pictures that SOHO make every day of the Sun.

I went to google and found the website and went directly to THE SUN NOW (latest pictures) and there it was a giant UFO!!! I was so shocked, I made videos, pictures, and then I realized I could see pictures of any date. So, I was hours long watching pictures since Januar 2016 until yesterday and I found out that this giant thing, is very regularly there like orbiting the sun, it stays every time for some days, and there are at least 3 of them.

I made pictures and videos, but please go and see it yourself on the official website!

Some people say those things are planets but some of then appear and disappear suddenly, change direction, things like that... nope, not all of them are planets.

What the hell ist this thing doing to the sun???

this was the las photo before in the next one... ->
 Is flying like this--->

here is also a cigar shape UFO

what is that......

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