Hola Chic@s! Estoy en la Republica Dominicana este mes como les había dicho. He estado tomando fotos muy impresionantes de orbes y también teniendo meditaciones muy exitosas en las que veo muchas cosas pero lo que me está saliendo mal es recordar las cosas cuando despierto! Si alguien tiene alguna tecnica para recordar más, espero que la comparta conmigo :)
He modificado el blog un poco. Ahora pueden subscribirse o seguir el blog (el botón está a la izquierda). Y si van abajo al final del blog pueden contestar una encuesta, ver mi perfil, buscar dentro del blog y ademas ver la lista de entradas populares.
Muchos saludos desde el Caribe!
Soy doctora en medicina, abducida desde mi infancia, contactada por seres que interactúan conmigo de forma interdimensional. En este blog escribo mis experiencias y los mensajes que recibo durante mis meditaciones y contactos. Todo esto y más es posible gracias a la producción de altas cantidades de DMT naturalmente en nuestra glándula pineal. Comienza con la entrada: "Cómo produzco tanta DMT?". Aquí debajo te dejo el link a la LISTA DE TODAS LAS ENTRADDAS DEL BLOG.
domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016
jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016
Fotos de Orbes
A petición de algunos de los lectores, aquí les dejo más fotos de Orbes. Tengo que buscar mi disco duro externo y elegir algunas más, por ahora estas pocas que tengo en esta laptop.
- Esta fue en 2008, en realidad en ese entonces no meditaba, no tenía idea de nada de estas cosas. Estaba durmiendo una siesta luego del almuerzo (cosa que nunca hago), mi madre también se quedó dormida al mismo tiempo. Las dos despertamos al mismo tiempo y nos dimos cuenta de que las dos habíamos soñado con mi difunta abuelita. Nos impresionamos mucho, teníamos la sensación de que ella quería decirnos algo. Mas tarde salimos al garaje a tomarle una foto a mi auto para poner un anuncio para venderlo en internet. Ella estaba al lado mio, tomé la foto y cuando vimos la pantalla las dos al mismo tiempo dijimos "Es ella!" supimos que era mi abuelita. Mi abuela tuvo 8 hijos, esa figura en la foto tiene 8 brazos, no sé si tiene algo que ver.
2. Esta fué creo que en diciembre 2015. La noche anterior había tomado algunas fotos en el patio y algunas erran aterrorizantes (las voy a postear aqui mismo cuando las busque), salia una especie de murciélado feo pero no era un murciélago. El caso es que varias personas me dijeron que era algo maligno y que no debía seguir tratando de comunicarme con otros seres. Una amiga con experiencia me dijo que no me preocupara, que solo tenia que pedirle al Arcangel Miguel que me cuidara antes de yo intentar tomar fotos de orbes o comunicarme de cualquier manera. Entonces esa tarde, sin siquiera creer para nada la historia de los ángeles, pensé "no se pierde nada" le pedí en mi mente que si el me estaba cuidando me diera una señal, tomé esta foto y quedé sin habla... Mi amiga me dijo luego que el Arcangel Miguel era azul, y que era evidente que ese orbe era el...
3. Esta foto no tiene ninguna historia particular, es una de las cientos más que he tomado de orbes en casa de mis padres sobretodo(Republica Dominicana), algunas en mi casa (Alemania).
Esta la acabo de tomar hoy 06.11.2016:
Para saber como comenzó todo y como comencé a tomar fotos de orbes, ir a la entrada: LA PRIMERA VEZ.
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016
Why am i an Atheist? what is God?
Para leer en Español click AQUI
I am going to explain what I saw in my first experience. What I described as God in my Entry: THE FIRS CONNECTION and you will understand why I am an Atheist.
So, in this Meditative altered state of mind caused by a high production of natural-brain-DMT: I found myself in a place that I couldn't say if it was little, big or infinite. It wasn't tridimensional like our reality, it was something that my physical senses never experienced before. It was probably 4D or more.
At the center of this place, there was a huge sphere that spread black dazzling light, or dazzling darkness, or something I can't explain. It was dark and I felt it was spreading light but it was not a white light but a dark one that does not blind you.
The Sphere was like half-buried in the ground, but I knew it was a Sphere. I could see it from the front, from the back, from inside and outside, from over and under at the same time from where I was. But not only the Sphere but also all the surfaces of this "room". That's why I had this multidimensional feeling. Everything was made of the same matter.
I knew that this sphere was not a "thing". When my grandmother took me there I felt I was there to understand "everything". This sphere was the source of all information, all energy, and all reality.
Why am I an Atheist?
I've always been an Atheist. Of course, until I was 16 I didn't know I was. I went to the church when my family brought me (fortunately very few times), I did my first communion, confirmation and all these things catholic kids have to do. I went there, I sit, I didn't ask questions... At some point I just realized that the people really believe all these things, it was like a shock in my head, thoughtly though "ohh! really? you really believe this?" I was like a zombie listening to things without paying real attention and without knowing why but as soon as I question myself I realized that was stupid and when I was 16 I told my family: "hey listen, I think you haven't realized that people really believe all these stories in the church. Have you ever think about it?" My parents where like "ummm... what are you talking about? the bible is the word of god" and I was like "omg, they are zombies like I was", o I just told them "ok, you can believe whatever you want, I'm out! I'm an atheist". They understood and never tried to change my mind.
What is God?
God is this that religions say he is. The one who is up there watching you and does nothing. This God doesn't exist. What indeed exist is a source of infinite knowledge that projects itself and create all that exist, through that, experience things, learn, create, expand and grow. Everything that every one of us learns and experiences, goes directly to the source. Every one of us and also everything (every material object) is a little part of this source, a littler bit of the energy of this source. If you want to call it God, go ahead. I personally think that the Word/concept of GOD is already too contaminated, mistreated, misused and corrupted by almost all religions. So, since now I'll call it THE SOURCE.
Each one of us can learn to have access to all the knowledge of the source. I still don't know how to do it every time I want, I don't know how to bring all the knowledge back here (usually when I wake up I forget almost everything), but I will continue trying. When you are in an altered state of mind all your question are answered. You just have to put your body to sleep and let your awareness active.
To learn how to meditate go to my Entry: HOW TO MEDITATE or read my personal MEDITATION TECHNIQUE.
Actualization: I recently saw the Sphere again. Read: Between Lives
I am going to explain what I saw in my first experience. What I described as God in my Entry: THE FIRS CONNECTION and you will understand why I am an Atheist.
So, in this Meditative altered state of mind caused by a high production of natural-brain-DMT: I found myself in a place that I couldn't say if it was little, big or infinite. It wasn't tridimensional like our reality, it was something that my physical senses never experienced before. It was probably 4D or more.
At the center of this place, there was a huge sphere that spread black dazzling light, or dazzling darkness, or something I can't explain. It was dark and I felt it was spreading light but it was not a white light but a dark one that does not blind you.
The Sphere was like half-buried in the ground, but I knew it was a Sphere. I could see it from the front, from the back, from inside and outside, from over and under at the same time from where I was. But not only the Sphere but also all the surfaces of this "room". That's why I had this multidimensional feeling. Everything was made of the same matter.
I knew that this sphere was not a "thing". When my grandmother took me there I felt I was there to understand "everything". This sphere was the source of all information, all energy, and all reality.
Why am I an Atheist?
I've always been an Atheist. Of course, until I was 16 I didn't know I was. I went to the church when my family brought me (fortunately very few times), I did my first communion, confirmation and all these things catholic kids have to do. I went there, I sit, I didn't ask questions... At some point I just realized that the people really believe all these things, it was like a shock in my head, thoughtly though "ohh! really? you really believe this?" I was like a zombie listening to things without paying real attention and without knowing why but as soon as I question myself I realized that was stupid and when I was 16 I told my family: "hey listen, I think you haven't realized that people really believe all these stories in the church. Have you ever think about it?" My parents where like "ummm... what are you talking about? the bible is the word of god" and I was like "omg, they are zombies like I was", o I just told them "ok, you can believe whatever you want, I'm out! I'm an atheist". They understood and never tried to change my mind.
What is God?
God is this that religions say he is. The one who is up there watching you and does nothing. This God doesn't exist. What indeed exist is a source of infinite knowledge that projects itself and create all that exist, through that, experience things, learn, create, expand and grow. Everything that every one of us learns and experiences, goes directly to the source. Every one of us and also everything (every material object) is a little part of this source, a littler bit of the energy of this source. If you want to call it God, go ahead. I personally think that the Word/concept of GOD is already too contaminated, mistreated, misused and corrupted by almost all religions. So, since now I'll call it THE SOURCE.
Each one of us can learn to have access to all the knowledge of the source. I still don't know how to do it every time I want, I don't know how to bring all the knowledge back here (usually when I wake up I forget almost everything), but I will continue trying. When you are in an altered state of mind all your question are answered. You just have to put your body to sleep and let your awareness active.
To learn how to meditate go to my Entry: HOW TO MEDITATE or read my personal MEDITATION TECHNIQUE.
Actualization: I recently saw the Sphere again. Read: Between Lives
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016
The Third Eye
(Para leer en español click AQUI)
The Third eye (sixth Chakra) is the acquired ability (acquired through the elevation of the Vibration of your energy) to see things that you can not see with your physical eyes and also experience things that you wouldn't be able to experience in normal state on your physical body. We basically need to raise our vibrations in order to connect with other consciousness levels, other dimensions or how you prefer to call it.
The Third eye will progressively open as we get more trained in our meditation technique. When we do that we will experience deeper states. At the beginning, you will maybe have Lucid Dreams, or you will start seeing images as you meditate (Mandalas, Mathematical formulas, colours, people faces, a clip of something that maybe will later happen, etc.). In other occasions, you will feel that your soul is detached from your physical body and you travel through a tunnel (maybe accompanied by another being who show you things). There are many different patterns or kind of experience characteristic of the increasing of DMT in the brain, that you will -over the time- get used to them. Supernatural experiences (i disagree with this concept. I think this is absolutely natural), maybe extrasensory (outside our physical senses/to experience senses that do not belong to your physical state). All those things are possible after you make this connection we make through DMT.
To understand more about DMT watch the Documentary Film "DMT: The Spirit Molecule".
Once Again I will share my personal definition of DMT: DMT = N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a Hormone produced by the Pineal Gland in the brain that connects you -or opens the doors to- other realities, othedimensionsns, or how you want to call it. It makes possible to interact with other kind of beings. When a person get psychic abilities it just means that this person produces a lot of DMT. Every person produce DMT naturally when we sleep, probably that's why we dream, but if you learn how to control its production, you will be able to use it for way much than dreaming. We also produce a lot of DMT at the moment we are born and just before we die! Meditation ist the most powerful way I know to release a lot of DMT. (See my Entry HOW DO I PRODUCE SO MUCH DMT)
How to open the Third Eye: I think the answer to this question is already clear in my two Entries: HOW TO MEDITATE (this one is only available in Spanish right now but I will translate it ASAP) and MY MEDITATION TECHNIQUE. Please read it, and if you still have questions feel free to ask in a comment.
Some people ask me if it is bad or dangerous to open your Third Eye. I've read that it's not good, that it can be dangerous, BUT I personally can't tell any negative sides of it. I have no negative personal experience to answer that. For me is everything positive and I have no reason to think different right now.
What is the third eye? how to open it? what happens if I open it? Personal Opinion based on my personal experience.
The Third eye (sixth Chakra) is the acquired ability (acquired through the elevation of the Vibration of your energy) to see things that you can not see with your physical eyes and also experience things that you wouldn't be able to experience in normal state on your physical body. We basically need to raise our vibrations in order to connect with other consciousness levels, other dimensions or how you prefer to call it.
The Third eye will progressively open as we get more trained in our meditation technique. When we do that we will experience deeper states. At the beginning, you will maybe have Lucid Dreams, or you will start seeing images as you meditate (Mandalas, Mathematical formulas, colours, people faces, a clip of something that maybe will later happen, etc.). In other occasions, you will feel that your soul is detached from your physical body and you travel through a tunnel (maybe accompanied by another being who show you things). There are many different patterns or kind of experience characteristic of the increasing of DMT in the brain, that you will -over the time- get used to them. Supernatural experiences (i disagree with this concept. I think this is absolutely natural), maybe extrasensory (outside our physical senses/to experience senses that do not belong to your physical state). All those things are possible after you make this connection we make through DMT.
To understand more about DMT watch the Documentary Film "DMT: The Spirit Molecule".
Once Again I will share my personal definition of DMT: DMT = N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a Hormone produced by the Pineal Gland in the brain that connects you -or opens the doors to- other realities, othedimensionsns, or how you want to call it. It makes possible to interact with other kind of beings. When a person get psychic abilities it just means that this person produces a lot of DMT. Every person produce DMT naturally when we sleep, probably that's why we dream, but if you learn how to control its production, you will be able to use it for way much than dreaming. We also produce a lot of DMT at the moment we are born and just before we die! Meditation ist the most powerful way I know to release a lot of DMT. (See my Entry HOW DO I PRODUCE SO MUCH DMT)
How to open the Third Eye: I think the answer to this question is already clear in my two Entries: HOW TO MEDITATE (this one is only available in Spanish right now but I will translate it ASAP) and MY MEDITATION TECHNIQUE. Please read it, and if you still have questions feel free to ask in a comment.
Some people ask me if it is bad or dangerous to open your Third Eye. I've read that it's not good, that it can be dangerous, BUT I personally can't tell any negative sides of it. I have no negative personal experience to answer that. For me is everything positive and I have no reason to think different right now.
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016
How to meditate
Para leer en Español click AQUI
I will answer in this entry, some of the most important questions that were made to me on Youtube last month. Basically, everybody wants to know how do I achieve all of this.
- First of all, I want to tell you that you and every living person on this planet have the potential to experience extrasensory perceptions (what for me means to experience things -NOT through our physical senses-). When you understand this, you are already closer to be successful.
- Our goal is: to put your body to sleep, to put your mind to sleep (the part of your mind that thinks in problems, remember, process the things you experienced the whole day, etc.) and let the soul awake. You should try to stay aware of where your soul goes. That's not easy, I won't lie to you, before you achieve that, you will fall asleep many times. I do not achieve this all the time, but sometimes I do, I keep my awareness while my body sleeps and it is wonderful.
- I do not consider myself an expert, I can't prove you or assure you anything of what I am going to tell you, I can just share with you my experiences and what the meant to me. I think that every person should find the most comfortable way for themselves to achieve this altered state of mind and physical detachment.
- You should try and save (in my case in a Youtube Playlist) the Audios that work for you. You should try Binaural Bits, Isochronic Tones, Solfeggio Frequencies, Guided Meditation, Guided Autohypnosis, Non-Guided Meditation/Hypnose, in the darkness, with daylight, lying, seated, with no Audio. You will find what works for you.
- You should know what you are looking for when you meditate. Pay attention to see, to feel, to hear, whatever that comes to you. I personally try not to move, not to think, not to fear, to don't have any pride, to release the Ego. Search in Youtube "What is the Ego" (especially the explanation of the Buddhist Monks). When you detach yourself from the Ego you find the connection with yourself. Be patience, be humble, don't expect, let it happen...
- Search in Youtube "what is meditation", "How to meditate", "Meditation techniques", there are so many different ways to meditate. I personally created my own method. If you want to know my method go to the entry: HOW DO I PRODUCE SO MUCH DMT
I will answer in this entry, some of the most important questions that were made to me on Youtube last month. Basically, everybody wants to know how do I achieve all of this.
- First of all, I want to tell you that you and every living person on this planet have the potential to experience extrasensory perceptions (what for me means to experience things -NOT through our physical senses-). When you understand this, you are already closer to be successful.
- Our goal is: to put your body to sleep, to put your mind to sleep (the part of your mind that thinks in problems, remember, process the things you experienced the whole day, etc.) and let the soul awake. You should try to stay aware of where your soul goes. That's not easy, I won't lie to you, before you achieve that, you will fall asleep many times. I do not achieve this all the time, but sometimes I do, I keep my awareness while my body sleeps and it is wonderful.
- I do not consider myself an expert, I can't prove you or assure you anything of what I am going to tell you, I can just share with you my experiences and what the meant to me. I think that every person should find the most comfortable way for themselves to achieve this altered state of mind and physical detachment.
- You should try and save (in my case in a Youtube Playlist) the Audios that work for you. You should try Binaural Bits, Isochronic Tones, Solfeggio Frequencies, Guided Meditation, Guided Autohypnosis, Non-Guided Meditation/Hypnose, in the darkness, with daylight, lying, seated, with no Audio. You will find what works for you.
- You should know what you are looking for when you meditate. Pay attention to see, to feel, to hear, whatever that comes to you. I personally try not to move, not to think, not to fear, to don't have any pride, to release the Ego. Search in Youtube "What is the Ego" (especially the explanation of the Buddhist Monks). When you detach yourself from the Ego you find the connection with yourself. Be patience, be humble, don't expect, let it happen...
- Search in Youtube "what is meditation", "How to meditate", "Meditation techniques", there are so many different ways to meditate. I personally created my own method. If you want to know my method go to the entry: HOW DO I PRODUCE SO MUCH DMT
binaural bits,
DMT trip,
extrasensory perception,
guided meditation,
isochronic tones,
meditation technique,
paranormal experiences,
third eye,
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