lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Alien Abduction?

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Translated from my original post in Spanish on 10.09.2018., happened on 31.01.2017.
This time you are going to really believe I'm crazy! LOL. No, what I'm about to tell you is nothing I can assure, but this is what happened yesterday:

I was lying on the bed with a very strong back pain. I had no back pain until now since I was healed by Mirena, the blue arcturian the last time I was in pain.

I took a pill for the pain, which had a combination of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. Because of this pill, I fall into deep relaxation very fast and noticed that I was going to have "a good one" DMT trip. 

I started seeing colors and then faces. Then I saw non-human face. It was a typical "grey alien". This was the first time in my life I saw a grey Alien during an altered state of consciousness (meditative deep relaxation in this case).

I found myself in a very realistic, negative dream. I was running, screaming, I was trying to escape. A "person" came to me and told me to come with him, he had my husband's face, but I knew it wasn't my husband. He didn't have his hair, body or voice. He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me to go with him and I'm trying to don't go. At some point, I noticed I was only seeing what they wanted me to see (like the face of my husband and this places I was in, looking like the street where my parents live). I think to myself "this is BS, I need to see where I really am" and it happened, This illusion broke and I find myself lying on a kind of table, with a huge lamp over me like in a surgery room. I am paralyzed, I can't move. I hear beeps and different sounds very similar (but not exactly) to the monitors in a ICU (Intensive Care Unit, in hospitals). 

Then I heard a kind of robotic voices saying something from what I only remember the last words "...for input" or "...for improve", I'm not sure. And then this "person" which face I couldn't see because of the light on my face, put a pencil-like-device close to my left eye and it gave me an electrical shock that sent me aggressively back to my sofa, to my body (I have the feeling that my body never left the sofa but like that I had another body out there...). I landed or jumped on my sofa because I felt as I landed from being dropped from about 20cm.

I will never forget the sounds of this room or the voice of this guy. And I can't swear that this wasn't just a dream but it felt extremely real. If this happened, I'm sure these guys have a technology that makes you see what they want, in order to prevent you from seeing what they are doing to us.

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