domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

Horrifying abduction

Translated today 09.09.2018 from my original entry (Espeluznante Abducción) originally wrote in Spanish. Happened on 09.08.2018.

This one was by far the most horrifying incident of my life. I just came back from this experience and I'm still shaking. I had to write it immediately before I forget details as the minutes pass, which is common after this kind of events.

My alarm woke me up at 7am but I didn't have to stand up today so I decided to go back to sleep. As I closed my eyes I realized I had a lot of DMT on my blood because I started seeing images. I don't remember if the -well known- tunnel appeared or not. Next thing I remember is that I find myself consciously "trapped" in a kind of very realistic nightmare, very negative, uncomfortable.  I already forgot how it started but here is what I remember:

I am standing, with open arms, tied to the back of a kind of Pick-Up or truck or something like that, we're driving on a street. I am naked, I'm not paralyzed, I can move a little, not much because my hands and feet are tied. I have this weird artificial feeling of "not being there against my will" even though I know I am tied and I don't know where I am. I'm not alone, next to me are two "Nurses" who have familiar faces (2 friends of me), but I KNOW there aren't my friends. This is something that happens often to me in this kind of experiences. They make me see familiar faces and don't let me see "them" as they really look.

The nurses are doing something close to me all the time and they have a kind of tray, like a surgical. They make me see weird things on the tray, like food, but they change all the time and look like if I would be watching a kind of cartoon. Sometimes there's like sushi, and then chicken, next second rice, and they are all the time doing something there, putting things inside the tray and taking things from the tray. They sometimes put things inside my mouth and I told them I am allergic to shrimps and every seafood, that if they make me eat them I will die. Then a cartoon looking dog put something in my mouth, after that I wasn't feeling good and then I noticed I was in trouble.

I couldn't breathe normally, I felt a pressure over my upper lip, I thought it was swelling. I told them to give me Adrenaline. I told them "I told you I am allergic, I probably have an anaphylactic reaction! I need epinephrine/adrenaline!". I told them I am a doctor and they should do what I say or I'm going to die. Their reaction was like if they don't know what Adrenaline is. They started moving fast and messy, looking for something inside a kind of briefcase and doing things to me and they told me "we don't have that". I had the feeling they do not even know what Adrenaline is so I got angry and screamed at them "how is this possible? you are nurses! and why do you even have this briefcase there if you don't have the basics?" (I thought it was like an emergency kit). 

This health situation went on only for 1 or 2 minutes, I started feeling better and then I noticed I wasn't on the street tied to a Pick-Up. I was laying and tied to a kind of table with cables going from my body to some machines that sounded with different kinds of beeps. This remembered me another experience I had not long ago, I recognized the sounds, they are the same, I've been there before and I wrote about it but I haven't translated it this other post (<- Click to read in Spanish).

I observed where I really was for a couple of seconds and then I was again on this other situation they wanted me to see, on the pick-up. I knew I wasn't really there and I knew these nurses weren't nurses. They were a little far away now. I wasn't tied anymore, I walked a little bit and I saw accidents and uncomfortable things and every people I saw had the faces of family members of mine. I tried hard to stop this "dream" because I knew I wasn't there so after a couple of seconds I made it. To my surprise I wasn't back to my body on my bed, what happened is, that this fictional images/situation they wanted me to see disappeared and didn't come back, I was conscious and clear-minded, lying on this table in this "Hospital's ICU-like room". The "nurses" were a little far away, in# another room. I could see them through a kind of opening, like a door. They were working on something there, looking down and doing something, probably to another person. I never stopped seeing them as "nurses".

I focused on my near surroundings. I noticed I had something tied to my left hand. It looked like a little pocket calculator, black, with a little screen with changing numbers on it. I noticed the bigger devices with lots of cables, some of then coming from me. 

As you can imagine, I was EXTREMELY scared. I wanted to untie myself, I wanted to run away from there. I started moving, trying to break these things that kept my hands tied. I wasn't tied in a way that kept me really close to the bed, but with some kind of freedom. The more time (just seconds, my impression) that passed, the more I realize I know the place and I know things, like: "the key of getting out of here is this device in my left hand" and "They actually cannot keep me here if I want to go".

Next thing I did was to tell them that I am against being tied there, that I am going back! I continued fighting with the ties and bit something that was close to my head, really really tight with my teeth to gain more support to pull my arms with more strength and then I started to squeeze the device my left hand and pull and pull, and I felt I was going to make it. To all this, there was a voice that insistently said "change program! change program! change program!". The more I was fighting, the more it repeated "change program!", but nobody touched me, nobody tried to stop me. I got the information put to my mind, that I shouldn't do this, that they weren't done with me, that they were working on me, that they need to reprogram me. This was the most frightening situation of all this, I not even want to know they meant.

The voice saying "change program" wasn't unknown to me. It was the exact robotic voice that told me "for input" in the same very similar experience I mentioned before, after what a "person" put a little device on my left eye that electrified me and sent me with an electric shock back to my sofa.

Well, I made it. In the middle of the pulling, fighting and biting I suddenly detached from this place and I felt I was "absorbed" to my body, Like if my body had been there all the time but not my soul. I felt I joined my body with an aggression as if I just had an electrical shock that woke me up. I was in a panic, I was afraid that there would be consequences for me because I "escaped". I checked my body to see if it was me, saw my dog and I felt relieved that it was my dog and not someone else's. Like if it could be possible that I fail going back to my body and could have landed on someone else's body or in another parallel universe. Does it make sense? I have no idea why I had this feeling.

I noticed I had a bruise on my right leg (I will put the photo later if I find it) and many scratches. I was naked. I was so extremely tired, almost unbearably tired, I closed my eyes for a second and I immediately started seeing a wall which had an unknown language carved on it (also nothing new). Then, a very intense buzzing on my ears and inside my head "attacked me" and I knew they were trying to take me back. I was so scared like never before in my life. I almost felt I couldn't avoid it, it was so strong. I told them "I won't go back! Leave me alone!". That happened many times that day. Sometimes I thought I was going to lose it. I was in a panic for the whole day until about 19:00 hrs or so after I finally eat something. I think I had low blood sugar levels which explain the feeling of almost faint sometimes and the panic. 

My thoughts right now (wrote about 10am):
1. I will never ever in my life sleep again
2. I'm afraid to watch see myself in the mirror
3. When I finally calm down, I would like to analyze all of this from a more rational approach
4. I'm afraid of everything
5. I need to talk to someone that can help me understand. I don't want to be alone (my husband was working out of the city this week)
6. I would prefer to don't know that this happened, this is too much

The next day, I wrote the actualization with more information and what happened the night after the abduction. I will translate it soon.

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