miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

The Mandela Effect and the position of our Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy

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To continue with this exciting Theme: The Mandela Effect. I want to mention one of the things that shocked me the most

I learned in the school and knew all my life that our solar system was pretty much at the edge of the Galaxy. Like in this Picture: 

A couple of months ago, before anybody was talking about it, I noticed that our position in the galaxy changed. I commented it on some Youtube channels and now it's all over the internet. Also funny is, that as I noticed this the first time, we were exactly in the middle of the way between the edge and the center of the universe and today I checked again and we are in fact closer to the center of the galaxy. 

This reminds me something I saw in a very recommendable documentary called THRIVE where is explained the route that every planet has to travel in the galaxy to complete a cycle. If I remember correctly, we have to go through the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way and then start again from the edge to the center, in a circular way that belongs to a huge Toroid structure. 
The person explained too, that other very advanced (spiritually advanced) civilizations made this cycle manny times already, and mentioned as an example ARCTURUS.

To read more about Mandela Effect and to see the Human Anatomy changes from the perspective of a Medical Doctor (me) click: Mandela Effect and Human Body Changes

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