viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016


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What is Synesthesia?
It's like a fusion of the senses. It's an alteration of the sensory perceptions in which we perceive things using the "wrong" senses. 

What is normal?
- To listen using the sense of hearing
- To see using the sense of sight
- To perceive flavors with the taste
- Feel using the sense of touch
- Smell through the sense of smell

Examples of synesthesia:
- People who listen to music perceive images or colors.
- People who perceive a particular smell for each color or word they see
- People who taste the images
- People who feel the sounds, etc.
- People who perceive tones when they smell different odors, etc.

I have been a kinesthetic since I remember. When I was a child, I remember my mother's frustration at coloring together. I reproached her for being wrong because the number 5 is red and she was coloring it in yellow. This kind of things happened several times until, when I was 16, she read about synesthesia and shout: "You have this! I understand now!" And when I read it, I understood that the others did not see the colors of the numbers, that for others the numbers have no color. It was incredible. I still have trouble understanding what the numbers are like for other people.

Are you Kinesthetic? what is your Synesthesia?

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